Homecoming Week Day 1

Students at the Wildflower Stomp during HOH time.
October 14, 2019
Today marked the start of Homecoming Week and the Upper School is decked out in space-themed decorations. Today’s dress-up celebration is Pajama Day.
Greenhill sophomores and juniors started the day in Rose Hall with a review of the rules for the PSAT on Wednesday.
Later, all students met with their Heart of the Hill groups. Students and faculty came together to make Homecoming posters and decorate the sidewalk with chalk. Some HoH groups proceeded to the creek area near Lower School to participate in the annual Wildflower Stomp. Third and fourth-grade students had marked and numbered crop circles for each of the 20 groups. Each group took a handful of wildflower seeds, sprinkled them in their circle and stomped the seeds into the ground. Upper and Middle School students helped the younger students back to the classroom before Upper School students went to Rose Hall.
The Upper School later attended an assembly to welcome the 10 high school students from Taipei, Taiwan. They will be attending Greenhill classes and touring various sites around the Dallas-Fort Worth area for the next two weeks.
Brief welcoming remarks were made by Head of Upper School Trevor Worcester, Assistant Head of School Tom Perryman, Addison Mayor Joe Chow and other members of the Addison community who have helped facilitate the annual exchange. One of the exchange students, Audrey, talked about the group’s excitement to spend two weeks at Greenhill. Senior Kai Hashimoto also discussed his participation in the Taiwan Exchange program in the past and how rewarding the experience had been for him.
As part of Homecoming Week celebrations, the egg-toss Color War event was planned for lunch but canceled during the day due to a lack of interest.
The day ended with the usual after-school events as students planned their outfits for tomorrow’s Time Travel Tuesday dress-up day.