Juniors Jordanna Goldstein and Sydney Horowitz dress up for Time Travel Day. Photo by Emma LightJuniors Lucy Sayah and Kate Marano celebrate Time Travel Day as part of Homecoming Week. Photo by Emma Light
Junior Jordanna Goldstein and sophomore Claudia Hurst dress up in disco theme as part of Homecoming Week celebrations. Photo by Emma LightUpper School students crowded into the Learning Commons on Tuesday to watch one of the most popular Homecoming Week events: “Do You Know Your Date?” Photo by Emma LightSeniors Natalie Gonchar and Eden Schachter dress in “business casual” as part of Homecoming Week celebrations. Photo by Alyssa MillerSophomores Chloe Merriman, Sydney Khan and Ilanna Feldman dress up for Time Travel Day as part of Greenhill’s ongoing Homecoming Week celebrations. Photo by Emma LightFreshman Mackenzie Banigan and sophomore Lily McArdle dress up for Time Travel Day. Photo by Emma LightUpper School students watch as a couple from each grade compete in the Color War event for Homecoming Week. Photo by Emma LightStudent Body President Jeffrey Harberg sporting his business casual attire and junior Josh Flowers channeling Time Travel Day for Homecoming Week activities on Tuesday. Photo by Alyssa MillerSeniors Sophia Hurst and Gabby Mallozzi dress up in business casual. Photo by Emma LightUpper School students watch the “Do You Know Your Date,” part of the “Color War” competition between grades during Homecoming Week. Photo by Emma Light
Tuesday marked Day Two of Homecoming Week, with a dress-up theme of time travel, past or future. The theme was well covered across campus. While seniors channeled their future-selves by dressing in business casual, the junior, sophomore and freshman classes went back and forth in time.
“My favorite part about homecoming week is seeing the whole school come together and dress up and just have fun with it,” senior Morgan Hurst said.
The first Color War event of the week was also held on Tuesday. The competition was: “Do You Know Your Date?” After several questions, there was a tie between the juniors, sophomores and freshmen, with the seniors falling one point behind. It eventually came down to the freshmen and sophomores for the final questions. Sophomores Mia Ness and Ryan Saqueton won the Color War event of the day for their class.
“I love the Color War events,” junior Lucy Sayah said. “They are always my favorite part of homecoming week. Seeing the whole high school compete and cheer on their grade is always exciting.”
Thursday’s dress-up theme is space-related. The day’s Color War event will be Space Jam. Friday will cap off the week’s events, with students wearing their green-and-gold with a touch of pink. Junior and senior girls will compete in a Powderpuff football game and junior and senior boys will square off in a volleyball game.