Head of School Lee Hark Addresses Tornado Impact on Greenhill Families

Tornado damage in Dallas. Photo courtesy of NBC news.
Head of School Lee Hark on Tuesday offered further support and information for Greenhill families and students affected by the October 20 tornadoes that struck Dallas and its suburbs.
Several dozen Greenhill families have been forced from their homes or otherwise impacted by the tornadoes.
In a letter emailed to families, Hark wrote:
Dear Greenhill Families,
As we continue to hear news about our families and peer schools recovering from the recent catastrophic weather, we want to provide more information about what Greenhill is doing to help and how to access that assistance.
We are compiling and continuously updating a list of community members who have been impacted by the storm, and we are working closely with the Parents’ Association and Greenhill Cares volunteers to assess the needs of our families. If you have not been contacted, please let us know your needs via the form on our website or greenhillcares@greenhill.org. A parent volunteer will contact you.
The most frequent needs we are hearing about involve moving and carpooling help. PA President Kaitlin Prieur (214-284-9664) is directing volunteer needs for this. Please reach out to her if you need moving/carpool help and if you need parent volunteers to come to you.
Meanwhile, here at school, we will offer academic and emotional support for your children. Divisional learning support personnel and counselors have prepared materials and resources for children, and teachers are providing personal support. Shanti Majefski ’95, Director of Social Emotional Learning, has compiled detailed resources to assist you in discussing these events with your children.
In addition:
- We will excuse all absences and alleviate academic demands as needed.
- We welcome families without power to come to campus and use our facilities (locker rooms, library, electric outlets, etc.) Please contact your Division Head/Coordinator to schedule that time.
- We will host St. Mark’s volleyball games on Greenhill’s campus this Friday. We have also offered to host the St. Mark’s football game, but those details have yet to be finalized. We have offered the use of facilities to other impacted schools as well.
- Director of Service Learning and Community Service Angela Woodson is organizing support efforts for DISD, including setting up Loos Field House as a temporary facility for displaced students.
We realize this is a difficult time for many in our community. Please continue to keep us updated.
Lee J. Hark
Head of School