After all Middle and Upper School students officially started classes in the new Rosa O. Valdes STEM + Innovation Center on March 19, there have been mixed reviews of the building among the freshman class.
Previously, these students attended all science classes in the temporary Science Village.
Freshman Vivian White says she enjoys the building much better than the Science Village.
“I thought the Science Village was very inconvenient,” said Vivian White. “[The new building] makes me more excited to go to my math and science classes.”
The VSIC includes various hybrid learning spaces, equipment and technology, not previously available.
Freshman Wesley Cotton says the modern spaces are going to significantly enhance his learning.
“I think it’s revolutionary to our learning,” said Cotton. “It’s going to open up a whole new set of opportunities due to its new resources and educational spaces.”
Some students including freshman Julian Kincheloe say the building is quite unique from the rest of the architecture across campus.
“The building is overwhelming because it’s so modern and big,” said Kincheloe. “I feel like it doesn’t fit in with the rest of campus.”
Freshman Eli Sims has also raised concerns about the aesthetics of the building.
“The building is too modern,” said Sims. “It doesn’t feel welcoming.”
The architectural appearance of the building is not the only thing that was new to this campus; the building also includes gender neutral bathrooms, a new design that is not seen throughout the rest of the Greenhill campus.
Freshman Lylah Pouratian says the bathrooms surprised her.
“They are something to get used to because I’m sure a lot of students haven’t experienced a bathroom with all identities,” Pouratian said. “I think this is something the student body could get used to and learn from because it’s a step forward.”
Freshman August Nguyen says overall, the reviews on the building are positive due to the open floorplan and increased seating options.
“I like the new building because there’s lots of study spots and places to hang out with my friends,” said Nguyen.