Eitan Hahn
Candy grams were delivered to recipients lockers on Valentine's Day.
Junior class officers sold Valentine’s Day candy grams to raise money for the North Texas Food Bank on Jan. 30 and Feb. 1-2.
This tradition has been done by previous classes to support a nonprofit organization in the community.
“Our initial thought was we wanted to continue the tradition,” said junior class secretary Eitan Hahn. “Many of the classes before us sold candy grams, and we also wanted to support a nonprofit organization in our community, which turned out to be North Texas Food Bank.”
The students bought candy grams for their peers during designated time slots in the day, and the treats were delivered to the recipients’ locker on Valentine’s Day.
After the experience of selling homecoming T-shirts, the junior class officers say they learned to be more careful in spending their money as they took orders from students before buying supplies for candy grams.
“We decided that we are going to do all the sales first, so we can see how much we need to buy,” said junior class president Aman Jaleel. “Then, we are going to actually buy the stuff.”
In three days, 360 candy grams were sold. The Director of Counseling, Kathy Roemer, and Link Crew brought candy grams for every freshman and new student.
A total of $610 was made from the event.
“[The candy grams] would spread the love around the campus, foster community, and allow people to express their gratitude and their love for one another,” said Hahn.