Photo courtesy of Greenhill Communications.
The long-awaited Color War games once again marked a highlight of Homecoming Week, with popular contests that included “Guess the Song,” “Do You Know Your Date,” turnabout flag football, volleyball and more.
The senior class won a majority of the games; however, the juniors won the sand volleyball turnabout competition on Friday.
On Monday, Sept. 23, during an Upper School assembly, two students from each grade paired up to participate in the “Guess the Song” competition. A small snippet of a song was played, and each pair had a few seconds to guess the name of the song and the artist. The winners of this Color War game were seniors Kendall Poglitsch and Zoe Gillen-Malveaux
“Zoe and I are opposites for what we listen to for music, and we decided to work together,” Poglitsch said.
The next competition was “Do You Know Your Date,” which took place on Tuesday, Sept. 24. This game had one couple from each grade participate and included questions about their dates. The winners were seniors Lilly Middleman and Liam Fagelman, with the sophomore couple, Neve Felder and Miles Martinez, coming in second place.
“Getting second place feels pretty good, hopefully we can do better next year,” Felder said.
For the Wednesday, Sept. 25 competition, students competed in a track and field oriented challenge. Each grade selected four people to participate in the relay races and one person for shot put. The seniors won both the relay races and shot put.
“It was really fun competing and getting together with all the kids who did track last year,” sophomore Sidrah Tarpeh said.
On Thursday, Sept. 26, all four grades participated in a basketball tournament. The original match ups were freshmen versus juniors and sophomore versus seniors. The juniors and seniors both won their games and went on to play against each other, while the freshman and sophomores faced off in a consolation game for third place. The seniors won the basketball tournament.
“We needed to work as a team to win, but we ended up losing by two points [to the seniors],” sophomore Leo Meyer said.
Finally, on Friday, the juniors and seniors participated in the highly anticipated sand volleyball and football turnabout games. The junior and senior boys played sand volleyball, and the junior boys won. The junior and senior girls played the football turnabout game, and the senior girls won.
“I always looked forward to [turnabout] as a freshman and sophomore, and it was fun to go to practices and compete in it,” Poglitsch said.
This year, there was a new addition to the color war games as the freshmen and sophomores competed in a kickball tournament on Friday. Freshmen advisories played against each other, while the sophomore advisories played against each other. The winning advisories from each grade went on to play each other, with the freshmen ultimately winning.
Freshman Cate Simpson says her advisory collaborated and used teamwork to reach their victory.
“It was really fun to get to work together as an advisory to win,” Simpson said.