Photo By Chloe Nguyen
The Bollywood Dance Troupe rehearses their routine during snack break.
The Bollywood Dance Troupe has returned for the 2022-2023 school year with a larger turnout than previous years. The troupe, a cultural dance group associated with the South Asian Student Association, has seen an increase in members and an increase in the diversity of the group, including many students who do not identify as South Asian.
This year, the Bollywood Dance Troupe has 35 members total. 12 of the 35 do not identify as South Asian. This diversity has brought a new perspective to the group, as a wide variety of students with different backgrounds are able to connect with the dance moves in unique ways.
“It is a lot of fun, and everyone is super happy to be there,” said senior Beckett Thomas, a new member of the troupe. “I can’t dance, but it has been fun being with my friends and learning about what the Bollywood Dance Troupe is all about.”
The choreography is done by seniors Deeya Bachani, Shreeya Madhavaur, Khushi Chayya and Viraja Metta. They aim to create simple but exciting dances that build off each other.
The first song taught is the most difficult, allowing for more time to be spent on it. The main difficulty the group has faced so far is ensuring everyone is able to attend practices. A solution they have come up with in order to overcome this problem is sending out videos for members to learn from on their own.
Bachani attributes the increase in members to informing potential members that they don’t have to be South Asian or a dancer to join.
“Since we were able to have one on one conversations, people were able to recognize that we’re serious about it being a more diverse club, and therefore I think more people were willing to join, seeing their friends join and that you don’t have to be a dancer or South Asian,” said Bachani.